Friday, February 6, 2015


Today is a dreamy kinda Friday....
a no make-up kinda day.....
a storm is coming our way kinda day.....

Last night we were reminiscing about Hawaii.  Hawaii is our special place.  
Actually, Kauai to be specific.
So Aloha, which means peace, compassion and mercy. 
 The islanders used it in greeting and farewells.

My first trip to the islands I was 17 years old and had just graduated high school.  I saved my money and with the help of some graduation money I was on my way to Oahu.  With a lei greeting (the only time I received one) and nothing but island time on my hands from June 20, 1988 to July 7, 1988.  I stayed with a family friend who lived on the Ala Wai Canal.  She met me at the airport and was a gracious hostess.  The first morning I woke up hearing yelling and grunting and more yelling.  Oh my goodness I was up and out of bed really quick.  The Ala Wai Canal is famous for professional rowing practice (canoeing) .  For the remainder of the trip, each morning I woke up to this sound.   I came to appreciate the sound and would sit on the lanai, while planning my day and watch them.  My main modes of transportation were bus and walking.  You can get almost anywhere on the island with their bus system.  I toured the following places in the time I was there.  My hostess  worked for Captain Bob's Catamaran in Kanoehe Bay, that would be a definite must do.  We took a catamaran out in the bay and were serenaded with Hawaiian music, provided a barbeque and my first snorkeling lessons.  We snorkeled around the reef and played volleyball in the sandy shallow waters.  So cool.  We saw such amazing tropical fish and dolphins.  
*July 1, 1988- Toured the island with a coach tour
*Pearl Harbor and USS Arizona Tour
*Snorkeled Hanauma Bay
*Kodak Hula Dance
*Toured Paradise Park
*Aloha Tower
*International MarketPlace
**Waikiki Baptist Church on Sunday
*Pier 7 and the Falls of Clyde
*Luau at the Polynesian Cultural Center 
*Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center
*Hiked to the top of Diamond Head
*Hit most beaches in Oahu....
June 22, 1988 Jolani Palace
*June 23, 1988 went to see Nunsense in the Manoa Valley Theatre
*Waikiki Aquarium
*Kuhio Mall 
*Waimea Falls Park
*Dole Cannery Square
*Hilo Hattie Fashion Factory
*Zoo(while walking through the park got a surprise from a flyby bird.....)  Had to go back and change.  So big, juicy and gross I gagged...

Hawaii will always be a special place and I am so glad I spent my graduation trip there. 

Fast Forward to August 8, 1992.  George and I honeymooned in Kauai.  Our wedding night we spent in San Francisco and took off early the next morning for our island.  We arrived and picked up our car.  We stayed at the Kiahuna Plantation in Poipu Beach from August 9, 1992 to August 16, 1992.  We were provided a daily fruit/bread basket for breakfast.  
*We drove to the beaches, waterfalls, through quaint little towns
*Enjoyed the sunsets every night
*Took a helicopter tour through the Waimea Canyon-this was a gift from a friend who sang at our wedding.  
*Smith's Tropical Paradise-Fern Grotto tour and luau
*Snorkeling in Poipu-I absolutely love snorkeling as long as the seaslife stay a comfortable distance away.... no nibblers.  So one day I was snorkeling and really into the view and turn my head to the left and there is a 5 ft+ turtle swimming with me, only a few inches from my face.  So I hyperventilate and head up.  He scared me so bad, but it was soooo... cool.  I went back head down and swam with him for about 1/2 hour. 
This island is a honeymooner's dream.   The garden isle.  This was our honeymoon remember so we did what honeymooners do best!
Til next time....ALOHA

After an amazing family trip to S. Korea for 10 months.  Actually, my husband was stationed at Osan for 12 months, and we tagged along.  We were ready to see the islands again.  So with 5 children in tow, we took an adventure.  My husband hopped before us to Oahu.  He got the car and was ready for us.  I got the great task of herding 5 children through Seoul and flying with them, my oldest daughter and youngest twin were the biggest helps in occupying the younger two.  Any flight I take now will be nothing compared to that one.  So we stayed 8 days at Camp Bellows in the cottages(with an ocean view)  The cottage had 2 rooms.  The children shared a room.  The trip was amazing.  We snorkeled, beached, boogie boarded, beached, toured the island a bit.  With 5 children ranging from 4 to 14 this was an incredible experience.  The oldest daughter and I attended the Polynesian Cultural Center Luau.  Snorkeling was fun at Hanauma Bay.  The girls were so scared of the fish they did not even put their masks on.    The boys loved boogie boarding and hanging out in the sand.  The oldest twin stayed in the sun too long one day and was as red as a lobster.  So no sun and aloe for the rest of the trip.  He cried when he laid down at night, the bed would have sand in it.  He was hurting so bad and I felt so sorry for him.  We learned about sunburns the hard way, huh?  
Til next time...ALOHA

The next trip to Kauai was February 20-27, 2002.  Can you believe it has been 10 years?  I hope it has not changed.  The flight took 5 1/2 hours and was a straight flight to Lihue, Kauai.   We arrived at 1:00pm and went directly to pick up the car.  We were really hungry and stopped at Pizza Hut in Lihue, Kauai.  Then we went to check inn to our room at Kiahuna Plantation.  We walked through the beautiful garden and on the beach.  We watched the sunset from the Sheraton then walked across the street to the Poipu Shopping Center.   Day 2, we had a continental breakfast then set out to see Wailua Falls and Lydgate Park.  We suntanned and walked up the Wailua River and saw coco Palms (where Elvis Presley stayed).  It had been hit pretty hard by Hurricane Iniki and never remodeled.  It is pretty tore up.  Then we drove to Opaekea Falls and the Wailua River overlook.  We came back to room and relaxed.   Then went out to BK for dinner, Spouting Horn to watch the sunset.  At Spouting Horn there is said to be a dragon stuck under the lava rock and you can here him breathe and snort.  Day 3, We started off by walking Poipu Beach, and saw some cool breaks on the rocks, saw some turtles.  We drove around the west coast through the Hanapepe, coffee fields, sugar plantations, and saw the salt fields.  In Hanapepe we visited the Swinging Bridge, it was pretty old and scary to walk across.  Then we headed up to Waimea Canyon and all the way to Kokee State Park and overlooked the NaPali Coast.  We got car sick on the return trip down the hill.  We went to Barking Sands Pacific Coast Missile Range.  We bought some food and ate dinner on the beach and watched the sunsel on the best beach on Kauai.  We watched whales through a telescope.  The sunset behind Nihua island.  Very cool.   Day 4 We went golfing, we completed 9 holes and the course was right on the ocean.  Very beautiful.   Then came back to the room to relax and enjoy the beach.  Then drove to Koloa and had an ice cream and read about the history of the sugar plantation.  We came back to our beach and sat under the stars on the beach.  Very clear night and no wind.  Day 5, We went to church at Koloa Church then drove up the east coat to Kee Beach.  Beautiful Na Pali Coast.  We sat on the beach, hiked up the Na Pali Coast and relaxed on the beach.  We drove slowly back and visited other beaches, the lighthouse and watching the sea birds come in for breeding.  We enjoyed a Luau at the Hyatt.  Very nice!  Good Kalua pig and free Mai Tai's.  It started raining and got very windy. Day 6, took a drive to Kapaa then came back to room and laid on the beach.  We had dinner in the room, then watched the sunset.  Day 7, We hung out all day on the beach, snorkeled, boogie boarded and watched the sunset, then kicked back with our sunburns.  Day 8, Time to go back.  Went to beach then checked out of our room.  Til next time.... ALOHA

The next trip was October 5-12, 2007.  We were using the excuse that our youngest twin son's college team, Utah State University was in Oahu to play University of   Hawaii.  I journaled this trip and it was on the calendar.... A pretty big trip for my older children and us.  We arrived in Oahu and picked up our car, we drove to Waimea Audobon Gardens and walked up to the falls through the gardens.  We checked into Hale Koa...such beautiful property.  We met our football player for dinner on Waikiki and then went back to the hotel for a nap.  We knew the football player was a night owl and we aren't so a nap was in order.  We were asleep for a little over an hour when Pearl Harbor started (only in 2007)  Someone was bombing us.  We woke up and scrambled to find out what was going on.... What is it with the islands and noise?  It was fireworks from the hotel next door, but wow were we shaking from the startling wake up.  Then we laughed and laughed.   We went out to meet our football player on Waikiki Beach and sat on the beach with he and his friends.  
The next day we walked down Waikiki Strip, met our football player at his hotel, napped, drove to Hilo Hattie's and onto the Aloha Stadium for the game.  After the game we met with the football player at his hotel.  Somewhere in this trip we took our oldest daughter, oldest twin and his girlfriend(now his bride) on Captain Bob's Catamaran cruise and a day out.  I am not quite sure when we snuck this in, but I know we did.  
Til next time.... ALOHA

Then my husband and I flew to Kauai and stayed at Barking Sands Naval Base Cottages.  The first morning we woke up to screaming and screeching.  Not knowing what was going on, we scrambled to check it out.  It just happens, the trees behind the cottage are home to the loudest flock of birds anywhere.  So each morning we were greeted by the screeching birds of paradise.  Ear plugs help some.  We alternated days to plan events.    We really like it here!  Despite the screeching birds.  We shopped for food, went to the beach, swam, and enjoyed the sunset on the beach.  We decided to alternate choosing the events for the day.  So I started Monday.....actually, I should have let you guess? 
Monday, we drove to Waimea Canyon, took a picnic lunch up the canyon, hiked for 3 hours toward Alakai Swamp.  Awesome Rainforest, rained most of the hike, beach, swim, sun, and chill. 
Tuesday I rented snorkel gear and boogie board on base.  I got to the beach ready for some snorkeling and the first big wave carried away all of my snorkel gear in my hands. GONE.  The boogie board was wrapped to my wrist, thank goodness, however, it was beating me up.  Oh, did I tell you how graceful I am at times?  So I ended up going to the rental place and telling them I lost all the gear and they gave me new gear ***free***  I think they felt sorry for me and my less than gracefulness.  Anyway, I got to snorkel all day.  We went to dinner out at Shenanigan's on base.  
Wednesday we went to Wailua Falls, Opakee Falls, Wailua Fern Grotto Boat Ride, Lydgate Park (snorkeling), Poipu Beach (snorkeling), Kiahuna Plantation, Walmart, Shenanigan's for dinner and whale watching.  
Thursday we toured the coffee company, visited spouting horn, beach, sun and chill.  
We walked the beach each day - a 17 mile beach at Barking Sands.
Friday we went home....such mixed emotions***I miss my kids and love the islands***
Refreshed and ready!
Til next time.... ALOHA
Next month we will be going to Kauai again.  This time we rented a house and have 7 of us.  My husband and I, the oldest twin and his wife, the youngest daughter and her boyfriend and BFF (our third daughter).  Cannot wait!  Tickets bought, house rented, food list made, talking over events for the trip....  Sooooo..... excited!


1 comment:

  1. My youngest daughter said I should also add that on our honeymoon helicopter ride my husband had his head in a paper bag the entire trip.
    I should also add that the last day we were in Kauai on our 2003/2004 trip I wanted one last snorkel and swim. So we hit the beach and I stayed out in the water too long and burned my backside. I hurt so bad I could not sit on the plane.
