Continuing on with our adventure through the fruits of the spirit.
Joy is next..... looking at the upcoming year and what this world really needs is "Joy", not a fake happiness, but a true delight and inner happiness.
We bring joy to God in our lives. Joy is a gift from God and because we believe in Him we can receive His gifts. His salvation is joy, an expression of His love in us. God created us and He desires for us to have His joy. True joy shines as a light on ones face and in their lives. We have access to the gift of Joy and all we must do is ask, He will give joy completely.
There are many ways we can express our joy... through music, singing, dancing, instrumentals. We only express joy because of His gift to us. We can shout joyfully to Him. We will desire to lift our voice up to the Lord in praise and worship when we have His Joy and trust Him to Fill us with joy daily.
We can begin by thanking Him for all He provides and for the gift of His everlasting Joy.
In our lives we have the promise that He will turn our mourning into joy and comfort us in times of sorrow. Only He can replace brokenness for Joy. He is joyful when we repent and gives us a promise of peace and joy in heaven.
praying for His Joy in my life this year. A joy that will not fade and is not circumstantial.
Joy-Delight, happiness
1 Chron. 15:16
Job 33:26
Ps. 51:12
Ps. 89:12
Ps. 132:9
Is. 61:7
Jer. 31:13
Matt. 2:10
Luke 15:7
Rom. 14:17
Gal. 5:22
Phil. 2:2
Joyful-feeling gladness
Deut. 16:15
Ps. 21:6
Ps. 126:5
Prov. 17:22
Joyfully-Full of joy, happy
Ps. 66:1
Is. 52:8
Luke 19:37
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